Monday, November 5, 2012

Random Entourage Meetups

So the fiance and I have managed to skip another month with this blog. We're so bad at this! Haha. It's just that our jobs have really revved up tremendously lately, and while that's good for our life in general, our wedding plans have kind of taken a backseat. We're remedying that this month though because we're down to five months to go and just thinking about it kind of sends us into a wave of contained panic!

Anyway, despite our hectic schedules, we actually have been able to squeeze in some time with our family and friends, who are also members of our wedding and liturgical entourage. I thought I'd document it here, just for the memories.

September 7, 2012. One of our bridesmaids, my cousin Sheila who's based in Singapore, came home for a quick visit, and we got to meet up. We had dinner at Ramen Cool and she slept over at my place that night.

September 18, 2012. Got to see one of our secondary sponsors, Hilda! We met up in our neighborhood, at Milky & Sunny, and had a scrumptious dinner.

October 19, 2012. Jaja - one of our offerers - and I go way back to 2002. We were officemates then, and we're officemates again now! We're seeing each other everyday again, which means that we can play a lot of Magic: The Gathering, yay! This was taken at Starbucks 6750, at the end of a Friday game night. 

October 21, 2012. I finally got to see my Matron of Honor, Hazel! Aleq and I went to visit her and her hubby for her birthday at their house in Laguna. We've been best friends since high school, and though we live so many cities apart now, and we don't see each other much, the friendship remains the same.  

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